Thursday, July 30, 2009
A mini rant
Then the other day my friend’s mother-in-law was driving me bonkers. She kept bringing up how much time she had spent in the hospital with people recently. Finally, I said, “You know, me too. My grandma passed away last week.” Hoping she would STOP talking about sick people. I am sorry, but I CANNOT handle that right now. I don’t want to hear about how your loved ones are doing fine, while my grandma WAS fine and then she died within 6 days of FALLING DOWN. One of my dad’s great-aunts did the same thing hours after I found out my grandma was going to die. I’m sorry; I don’t want to hear about your “tests.” If you are going to talk about your WELL-BEING please do somewhere away from people who are experiencing the OPPOSITE OF BEING FINE.
I know this kind of snowballed out of the main topic of, pointless conversation, but in I guess the theme could be awkward conversation. I detest awkward conversation. Silence would be preferable than awkward pointless drivel.
Am I the only heartless one or does someone else feel the same? I mean I am all about random conversations and talking to random strangers, but people you sorta kinda knew once upon a time, but not really? No thank you!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Teaser Tuesday: On Chesil Beach

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a random page
3. Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
4. Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
They were young, educated, and both virgins on this, their wedding night,
and they lived in a time when conversation about sexual difficulties was plainly
impossible. But it is never easy. pg.3, "On Chesil
Beach," by Ian McEwan
Monday, July 27, 2009
Some random knowledge about me..
My mind is not capable of focusing quite yet to read much or to type more about the situations that have come to be since last week. So for your stalking pleasure, here is more information about me!
1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? on my knee there is a raised bump from where I cut it on a piece of shale while swimming in the lake in our backyard growing up.
2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? a poem written about my great-grandma after she had passed, some photos of my husband and his parents and a picture of my husband and I
3. DO YOU SNORE, GRIND YOUR TEETH, OR TALK IN YOUR SLEEP? i've started to clench my jaw
4. WHAT TYPE OF MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? pretty much everything
6. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINK? depends on the weather and time of day, but i do love my coffee and my monster's
7. FAVORITE QUOTE? Take chances, take a lot of them. Because honestly, no matter where you end up and with whom, it always ends up just the way it should be. Your mistakes make you who you are. You learn and grow with each choice you make. Everything is worth it. Say how you feel always. Be you, and be okay with it.” -Hollie Seals
8. FAVORITE PLACE? sandy beaches
10. MASHED POTATOES OR MACARONI AND CHEESE? this is one of the biggest dilemmas of my eating life. i love homemade mac and cheese or velvetta shells and i could eat potatoes all day everyday
13. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? about to start reading some of On Chesil Beach because I have misplaced Pride & Prejudice. it is either still in Ohio or in the hubby's car
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The longest week
When we got there around 4pm, she had just started responding to touch and would nod to answer questions. She had not been able to do that earlier in the day. At this point we were informed that her kidneys were not functioning and grandma refused dialysis. She was on a respirator and had a breathing tube down her throat. My dad's sister spent the night at the hospital with her that night. Monday she seemed a lot more responsive and nodding and trying to talk to us through the breathing tube. We found out her liver enzymes were up and she continued to refuse dialysis. Honestly, she seemed to be doing better and they tried a feeding tube and medicine to get her kidney's working. No one spent the night because it kinda seemed like she was doing better and the respirator wasn't doing all of her breathing for her.
Tuesday we walked in and the nurses met with my grandpa, dad and aunt in my grandma's room. They said they had already discussed this with grandma but wanted them to hear it too. Since my grandma was refusing dialysis there really wasn't anything they could do for her. They were going to remove her from all machines and make her comfortable. They took her off the respirator around 11:30. Around noon, grandma was well aware of us in her room and we all went in and talked to her. I told her I loved her and kissed her shoulder. She was crying. That was the last time I talked to her. I went in and out of her room all afternoon. Sometimes it was harder than others to watch her. She struggled a lot in pain the early hours of the afternoon and then they upped the pain medication and she rested peacefully. At around 7:30 I went into her room and sat with her, my dad, my oldest cousin, my dad's sister and her husband. Around 9:30 my brother and husband arrived. Her breathing almost immediately started slowing way down. Around 10:30 we knew it would not be long. At 10:54 p.m. on July 21st I watched my dear sweet 83 year old grandma take her last breath.
There is a lot of regret, guilt, sadness and anger that I haven't yet processed. But I do know that I will miss her more than I ever expected possible.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
quick update
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Busy Friday's
I also had a ton of errands to run. The older sis-and-bro in-law have been in town this last week and today we are having a baby shower for them. I had to pick up the stuff to make the scrumptious oreo dessert that I was making, pick up the last part of the baby gift that the younger sis-in-law and I were giving them, and then as a nice gesture stop and pick up the bro-in-law's prescription. Yeah, sounds easy, but that took 4 stops, 1 trip home, one fill up of the gas tank and about 2 hours. The bro-in-law forgot there are two Walgreen's in town or did not know since they haven't lived here in awhile. I went to both yesterday. :)
I hurried and made my dessert which I hope turned out okay because I wasn't paying attention and know I made a boo-boo making it, but I am hoping it turned out fine. Then I headed to the church to meet up with the sis-in-law's and the mother-in-law to exchange stuff and set some stuff up. But I did not help much cuz I got to hold a baaaby. Love. :)
Next up, hurry home for a pick up from cousin-in-law to go run erands and hit up a softball tourney. Had fun there with friends, hurried up north to the in-laws to hang out with the fam and got home after midnight. I am pooped.
Today is just as busy because it is the last day to hang out before they head back out West. Can't wait for my neice or nephew to show up in December!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Booking through Thursday

Follow-up to last week’s question:
Do you keep all your unread books together, like books in a waiting room? Or are they scattered throughout your shelves, mingling like party-goers waiting for the host to come along?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
All We Ever Wanted Was Everything - Janelle Brown
Janice and Paul have two daughters, Margaret, 28, a brainy feminist who is still trying to not "sell out" in LA and in tremendous debt; Lizzie 14, a little silly, a lot immature who has just lost a significant amount of weight and learned how to get the boys to like her. After Paul leaves, Lizzie calls her big sis to come and save the day and Margaret jumps at the chance to escape the credit card companies, collection agencies and the fact that she is losing her apartment push her towards selling her measly posessions and heading home.
When the three Miller women are under one roof it is chaotic. Janice and Margaret do NOT get along. Lizzie has no friends and oddly turns to an evangelical church because of the promise that God loves everyone. Maragret gets stoned and connects with the pool boy. Janice picks up a not so good habit and somehow they do not kill each other.
At some points this book was really good and some points it was so not believable, but it all flowed together. I did NOT like how some parts of the story were wrapped up neatly. Yet almost all of the conversation that happened between the characters in the book was hilarious. Especially when Lizzie is going around talking about God loving everyone. I think it could have used one more chapter to wrap it up because it leaves you hanging at the end to figure out on your own how it ended, but I kinda wanted them to have their day in court or a settlement made with Paul. Paul needs a slap in the face, I would not want him as a father!
And add in the fact that they were all obsessed with money, having it, not having it, flaunting it, worrying about the neighbors, it was quite the entertaining read with a significant amount of eye rolls at the actions of the characters.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Lame Tuesday
I really am reading a really good book that once I settle in with it, I just inhale it. Yes, I am still reading All we Ever Wanted was Everything by Janelle Brown. I reaaaallly want to finish it soon because a couple of my friends are both reading Pride & Prejudice and I think it would be kind of neat to be able to discuss it with them. Sadly, that is not one of the many books I have on loan from the library, which means I will most likely have to recheck out the ones I did get all those many weeks ago. Though, I do have another Austen novel. Mansfield Park, that I want to read but after Pride & Prejudice. I've never watched any of the movie adaptations of her stuff because I've always wanted to read them first, so that can be another challenge to myself.
Let me tell ya, continually job searching and continually finding nothing or something not really using your degree gets to be tiring. Thank goodness for random blog reading!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday morning, I FORGOT TO SET MY ALARM. But have no fear, I woke up at 7:30 with a smile on my face thinking, ahhh I can sleep in. And then I popped my eyes back open and said, "HOLY FASFA**SFDS8******!!" Jumped out and raced around getting around. Threw stuff out and then my friend arrived a little after 8 with bagels. YAY. We finished putting stuff out and had the task of putting the sign out in front of the house and at the one corner by my house. So we find some old stakes and think this will work.. Need hammer. No hammer to be found. I find a book about Pat Nixon. Looks sturdy enough. We take this out to the road, sign, stakes, Pat Nixon. We try pounding with Pat Nixon. Does not work. I go look for hammer again. No hammer. I grab an ax. An ax that is about as tall as me. We are standing at the end of my driveway with an ax, trying to hammer a sign in. Stakes fall apart. We abandon sign. We find smaller stakes attach sign and head off towards corner. Half way to corner we realize people are arriving at our garage sale, I run down the road in my flip flops, cut across the lawn and arrive as they walk up, completely out of breath. Friend is at corner pounding away at the sign with a smaller ax we found. People leave, don't buy anything, friend comes back, sign has fallen down already. I find a tub to lean sign against. I blow up balloons, attach them to mailbox. Friend goes back to corner and attachs sign to telephone pole. We sit down and laugh hysterically at ourselves.
Then two guys showed up in a BRIGHT yellow truck with flames on the side. They had cowboy hats on and vests with no shirts underneath. I wished I could just say, um you don't have to stop you will find nothing here. But I don't and they don't even get two feet into sale before they are headed back towards bright yellow truck with flames. I may have had a good hardy laugh at their vehicle. And the rest of the afternoon pretty muched followed the ridiculousness of this beginning part. All of that happened yesterday before 10:30 am.
After a long day, the hub and I headed up to my parents house because they are out of town and we felt like swimming and hanging out on the dock. We stopped for dinner on the way up and by the time we got dinner and were on the dock, my toes told me the water was too cold. So we ate dinner in our swimsuits, went inside and spent the night watching tv on my parent's HD tv and listening to the police monitor. Then we passed out in my old childhood room and came home this morning for coffee and eggs prepared by the mister.
All in all, a TERRIFIC day/morning so far.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
7 personality traits meme

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) - Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
She crumples the note in her fist, stuffs it in her purse, and unlocks the door. All she can think of is her bed: If she can just go to sleep now, maybe in the morning everything will be better.
From All We Ever Wanted was Everything by Janelle Brown
Monday, July 6, 2009
2009 A-Z Reading Challenge Update
A – PS I love you – Cecilia Ahearn
B – Midwives – Chris Bohjalian
C- The Hours - Michael Cunningham
D – Hot and Bothered: a novel – Annie Downey
E – The 19th Wife – David Ebershoff
F - Finger Lickin' Fifteen - Janet Evanovich
G –
I –
J – Escape – Carolyn Jessop
K –
L – The Mating Rituals of the North American WASP – Lauren Lipton
M – Monster- Walter Dean Myers
N –
O – Blonde – Joyce Carol Oates
P – Mercy – Jodi Picoult
Q –
R –
S – American Wife – Curtis Sittenfield
T –
U –
V -
W –
A –
B – The Boleyn Inheritance – Philippa Gregory
D –
E – Eclipse – Stephenie Meyer
f – The Female of the Species – Joyce Carol Oates
G –
H- Harvesting the Heart – Jodi Picoult
I –
J –
K –
L –
M – The Midwife’s Tale – Gretchen Moran Laskas
N –New Moon, Stephanie Meyer
O -
P –
Q –
R – Rattled! – Christine Coppa
S –
T – Twilight – Stephanie Meyer
U –
V -
W – Wives and Sisters –Natalie Collins
I am most definitely going to need to read some books with challenge in mind soon or I won't be able to finish!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Books read in June
18. Hot and Bothered: a novel – Annie Downey (also funny would recommend..)
19. The 19th Wife – David Ebershoff (very intriguing, would recommend..)
20. Midwives – Chris Bohjalian (excellently written.. would recommend...)
21. Escape – Carolyn Jessop (intereesting prospective.. would recommend..)
22. The Midwife’s Tale – Gretchen Moran Laskas ( was not a fan..)
23. Finger Lickin’ Fifteen – Janet Evanovich (HILARIOUS... I love this series and after reading this last night I am contemplating re-reading some of them..i wish she had a new book once a month!)
This was a really great reading month and it helped move me along a little towards my goal, but I have a lot of catching up to make it even to where I was last year!