Wednesday, September 16, 2009


It seems even as the amount of books I read seem to decrease with either my blog reading obsession or my crackbook addiction I seem to read more and more magazines.. Even though it also takes me quite awhile to read magainzes. Ummm I finished the September Glamour only AFTER I got the October Glamour in the mail. Ooops.. I think it may be telling even with my reading that when I set goals of doing something I always seem to sabatoge myself. I'm sure a shrink would love to get a hold of that.

But once again I get off track... back on the crazy train.. magazines.. I have a subscription to Glamour and I love it. I've gotten it off and on since I was 18. I used to have a supscription to Cosmopolitan and I hated it. I always rolled my eyes and was like WHY AM I GETTING THIS?? (My mom got it for me first and I liked it when I was 16, and then I randomly got it at age 22? 23? and kept forgetting to cancel so I had it again for another couple years.) I also enjoy reading Self or Shape and have been meaning to get a subscription to one of them but tend to buy it off the stands every now and then. It typically depends on cash flow and I stick with my Glamour only subscription. I also enjoy reading O occasionally or Redbook or Everyday with Rachael Ray... I also enjoy a good People.. I think I like the articles and it's quick and easy and sometimes not as hard to get into as a novel when you are short on time or too busy reading blogs! ;)

What magazines do you read? Any I should check out next time I am avoiding a novel? :)


Lisa's Yarns said...

I subscribe to way too many magazines. Once the subscriptions all run out, I am ONLY renewing my Runner's World subscription. I love Self but I just don't take the time to read it! I have a stack of magazines that I plan on bringing on my Chicago trip for the airplane ride. I love reading magazines when traveling!

Amber said...

I LOVE Glamour - definitely my favourite women's magazine. I also buy running magazines and Shape, Self and all those. No subscriptions though, I usually just grab them when I'm at the grocery store or something!

Anais said...

I LOVE magazines, and I will keep on subscribing! For two reasons: if I didn't subscribe, I would buy them anyways, and 2nd, I deserve a little something once in a while!

I read Glamour, Shape, and Self :) Love them all!

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

OMG, I am a magazine FREAK! I hardly read them all either, but I just have to have them. Everytime I decided not to renew my subscription I get an offer for some ridiculously low amount that I cannot refuse. I have subscriptions to Glamour, Cosmo (even thoug think it's pretty ridiculous, the renewal was only $8!) Self, Elle and Marie Claire. I also spend hours in Barnes Nobles reading the trashy celebrity mags, but I rarely buy those... :)

Luanne said...

I work in a library and process the new magazines once a week, so I read whatever comes in on my lunch. House Beautiful, Country Living, Prevention, People... and it doesn't cost me a dime!