Saturday, October 31, 2009


I posted the poll on the left about picking a book for the November Group Read. The poll ends around 11pm on November 2nd. Choices are Jane Eyre, Pride & Prejudice or Sense & Sensibility. I want to read all three, so I'm excited to see the winner!

My grandpa passed away last night. He is the husband of the grandma I lost this summer. He had come to live with my parents and has suffered through a lot of different health problems in the last 3 months. This seems super surreal since I still haven't wrapped my mind around my grandma's death. I feel really bad for my dad. He has had so much on his plate since July and has lost two parents. The thought of losing either of my parents, especially both in 3 months makes me really sad and have no idea how I'd deal with that. But I also have a very different relationship with my parents than he did with his. Regardless, it still sucks.

I am still not freaking done with I See You Everywhere. But since today IS THE LAST DAY OF October. My goal is to finish it already today. I have so slacked on reading since school started and I am not happy about it. I have read a lot of children's books and a lot of blogs, but I need to focus on my books. I am not going to finish any of my 2009 reading goals and that stinks.

Donuts are a great breakfast on Halloween.

I was going to have a costume for tonight but as the week went on I just am not feeling it. I can barely feel going out to the bar even though I want too. I am going to go pass out candy at my parents house.

Happy Halloween!!!

Who else hasn't/won't finish their reading goals for the year? Who was smart enough not to make any? Who HAS accomplished them? (You suck. Kidding.) Anyone read either three of the above books and can give some insight?

Have a great weekend!!


Marie Cloutier said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I don't set reading goals so none to meet or fail to meet!

Amber said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa, sweetie!! Sending good thoughts your way! XO

Lisa's Yarns said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. So sad that they both passed so close together. Stay strong.

I haven't been reading nearly as much lately either.

Can't wait to see what we come up with for the Nov selection!

Becky said...

I'm still reading a book that I started awhile ago too and my goal this weekend is to finish it and get a good start on the next one or there will be no way I'll finish my reading goals for the year. (Ha and I'm really hoping one of the Jane Austen books wins the poll because either one would work for the reading list I've made up for myself!)

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather - especially so close to your grandmother's loss as well. Hang in there! xoxoxoxo

Ashley said...

Sorry about your grandpa's passing. Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family.