The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett!
Frightened orphan Mary discovers the joyful wonders of life on the Yorkshire Moors with the help of two local boys and a mysterious, abandoned garden...where all things seem possible.
Frightened orphan Mary discovers the joyful wonders of life on the Yorkshire Moors with the help of two local boys and a mysterious, abandoned garden...where all things seem possible.
This will be interesting one for me... I never ever wanted to read this as a kid. I thought it would be 'boring.' Here is to hoping my adult self doesn't think so! ;)
I have been out of town basically since last Wednesday. I was home for a brief time on Sunday and then just got back and will be gone most of tomorrow because of a funeral. I have finished The Wednesday Sisters and The Girl Who Played with Fire and can't wait to write up reviews on them. Both of them were fabulous!!! Read them for sure!
Today is the last day to enter my giveaway for Twenty Stories by Kirstin Fouquet. It would be a great beach read!
I also want to hopefully post some discussion questions for House Rules tomorrow since it is the last day of June. If you have any quotes, thoughts or questions you want me to include in my post send them to me either my blog comment or via email at pinkflipflops44 at gmail dot com. I am planning on a lot of blog work today!! ;)
Requesting this from the library right now!
Also, was this a movie? I'm pretty sure I LOVED this movie when I was growing up but not sure if it's based on this book or not!
Oddly I can't remember if I actually read this book or not as a kid. I know I OWNED it, but I think I maybe couldn't get into it. I basically hated all classics as a child. Not really different than me now. Got this one out of the library though and I'm excited to read it!
I also have never read this,but it's something I have wanted to read as an adult for awhile now!
I think I have this on my shelf somewhere. If I can find it I'm joining in :)
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