Monday, June 21, 2010

July Group Read Selection Ideas...

Ok everybody, throw them out there! What do you want to read together in July?

I will throw up a quiz on Wednesday (leaving town that afternoon for awhile..)

I finished House Rules last night and my review will be up tomorrow..

I hope everyone had a good weekend. What did you do?

We bought a pool on Saturday which turned into a bigger ordeal when we realized that we need a fence to put around it and we needed to level the ground out more. So needless to say we swam in a half full pool yesterday and then stated to drain it. Operation build a fence coming soon!


Amber said...

I recently requested The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell from the library so I'm going to suggest that :D Hehe

Lisa's Yarns said...

I am suggesting The Secret Garden. I have never read it, but have always wanted to!

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

Revolutionary Road