Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The One That I Want Discussion

Monday, August 30, 2010
Every Last One

Sunday, August 29, 2010
September Group Read Suggestions
Books we have already read include...
The One That I Want
The Secret Garden
House Rules
American Wife Kelly's Guest Post Lisa's Guest Post
Firefly Lane
The Reader
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Awakening
Pride & Prejudice
I See You Everywhere
I will also suggest we pick something that has been out for awhile because it seems it is harder for everyone to get newer books! Banned Books Week is in September, so maybe we would want to read a book that has been banned? ALA site about banned books week Children's books that are continually challenged and the banned books site!
I will leave suggestions up until early Wednesday morning and then I will post the poll up til Friday!
Friday, August 27, 2010
My half-birthday is coming up..
First, let me start with how MUCH I love uncommongoods.com it is one of my favorite sites to go on and just gawk at the things that I wish I could have, but sadly have to hope for 1 or 2 items every year at Christmas or my birthday. I think in the last 2 weeks alone I have recommended this site to a few different people who have admired my stuff I have from there or gifts that I have gotten others. Perhaps, they should hire me? ;)
The first thing that I noticed in their recent catalog were Multiblocks designed by Brad Singley. These blocks are even cooler than the blocks we grew up with. The nerd/teacher in me loves the measurement marks on them, the recycling of basswood leftover scraps and that they are made in my home state of Michigan! I don't even had a kid yet, and I want to play with them!

{source for picture here }
Uncommongoods.com says, "Basswood is a local, renewable wood that is sustainably grown and harvested on industry land in Michigan. Each set of blocks arrives in a recycled cotton storage bag made from 80% Ecotec(tm) (a blended cotton yarn produced from the excess fabric of newly made clothing) and 20% Bottle Bag(tm) (material made from 100% recycled soda bottles). "
Reclaimed T-Shirt Scarf

{picture source here }
This is just a small snippet of stuff that I could go on and on about. Seriously, I need a free pile of never-ending money! There are just soo many things on there that I want. You should check it out and I am sure you could find a gift for you or a friend or somebody that they'll love!
uncommongoods.com did not pay me, bribe me or ask me to share this stuff. It's just opinion about things I love!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Dark Song - Gail Giles

Description: Mark said he heard the dark song when he creeped houses. The song the predator's heart sings when it hears the heart of the prey. I heard it now. Mark said it had always been in me. Lurking. Waiting for me to hear.
Ames is not the person she was a few months ago. Her father lost his job, and her family is crumbling apart. Now, all she has is Marc. Marc, who loves her more than anything. Marc, who owns a gun collection. And he'll stop at nothing--even using his guns--to get what he wants. Ames feels her parents have betrayed her with their lies and self-absorption, but is she prepared to make the ultimate betrayal against them?
Just like yesterday when I talked about Glass, this is a YA book that deals with real issues and isn't completely OMG HE IS SOOOO CUTE type of YA. GAG me with a spoon. '
The book starts out introducing us to Ames and her 'perfect' family Typical things in her family are spontaneous expensive trips, family game nights and everyone getting along. Her friends think they are freaky cuz what teen gets along with their family THAT well. While, I would agree with her friends somewhat, they are too dumb for me to want to agree with them. Typical private school floozies. Or just typical in how they are portrayed in books. Cuz I really don't have experience with private school floozies. If I did, I would suspect Ames friends would be them..
Anyway, her 'perfect' life is disrupted when her dad loses his job and her parents start fighting constantly and Ames finds out they are lying to her. In typical teenage fashion, she rebels. They fight. She does something stupid. They fight. They yell. Her dad turns to alcohol, her mom freaks out because she thought she left poverty behind. Her 6 year old sister is the only one with common sense. And then they find out Ames dad lied about the extent of his gambling/losing others money and there is no money. No money for the house, no money for college no money. They have to go to Texas and spoiled little Ames has to work. Her parents treat her like crap and she hates life.
However, she meets Mark. Mark is obviously trouble and Ames sort of realizes that but she is sooo sheltered and soo insecure and Mark is a leech and possessive and abusive and he knows how to get Ames where he wants her. The way there relationship was portrayed was scary and authentic. Older guys that creep on younger girls. Ewww.. Cuz really what does a 22 year old have in common with a 16 year old? Yuck.
I think the scariest part of Mark happened to be his guns. And the part where Ames thought they were cool. She was smart enough to have some thoughts about them but not smart enough to run run run run like a normal girl. But that is part of an abusive relationship. He gave her security and kept her safe when her parents had pretty much turned on her and her whole life flipped upside down.
I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it. It's GOOD YA and speaks to real issues. It also comes out in September so you can check it out then!
Oh and isn't the cover awesome???
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? Any of your friends?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Glass - Ellen Hopkins
Kristina is a former good girl who is now completely hooked on meth aka the monster. She's 18, has a baby, is supposed to be getting her GED and supposed to have kicked her meth habit. Buuuut. She doesn't. She hooks back up with her former friend Robyn and meets Trey. Who she immediately falls in 'love' with and starts back up her habit. She gets a job to support her habit and everything else just gets thrown to the side. She forgets about her kid, she parties all the time and it is extremely obvious to her parents who play the oblivious role really well.
Until, she falls asleep and Hunter (her son) injures himself. Then she gets kicked out. So she moves in with a dealer and gets herself into some very compromising positions.
It is really hard to read this because you just want to shake her and tell her that someone will love her and support her without her being on meth. That Kristina is worth loving and that she doesn't need Bree (her alter ego). However, Kristina doesn't believe that anyone can love her or she believes to readily that boys love her when all the want is sex. Also, the way she can just disregard her son is horrible.
This book is YA, but really I think it is a good book for parents/educators/adults to read as well. It's also a YA book, that is real and not all puppies and rainbows, which I also like. Hopkins is a phenomenal writer and I really like her style.
I am unsure if you are aware or not but there has been a lot of drama/controversy lately about Hopkins and her writing. She was invited to the Teen Lit Fest and then UNINVITED because ONE librarian and a couple parents didn't think her writing was suitable for kids to be reading. So she got UNINVITED. Which led to other people dropping out (YOU NEED TO READ THIS POST BY Melissa de la Cruz) and then the canceling of the whole festival. Pretty unreal and pretty sad for the kids who were affected by this. While, I think it is the festival's right to invite who they want, I find the reasons behind it crap.
I think the more controversial, the more it should be talked about. Sure you might not want your kids having sex and doing drugs, but whatever better REAL way than to expose them to the BAD THINGS that can happen when you do them through literature. TALK, COMMUNICATE. BE THERE. Let your kid explore and make their own decisions. If you deny something, odds are they will fin a way. Closeting your kid and making them parrot you is not letting them think for themselves and does them no good.
More posts on censorship:
Pete Hautman
Kami Garcia
Book Hooked
You really should check out some of these links.
What do you think about censorship? Will you let your kids read what they want? Do you think it was okay for Ellen to be UNINVITED?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The One That I Want - August's Blogger Book Pick

Monday, August 23, 2010
The Sinner - Tess Gerritsen

Friday, August 20, 2010
Friday Dance Party!
These have been stuck in my head lately and since I am oh so kind I am sharing. You are welcome.
I don't even know if I have EVER liked an Enrique song before but it has been stuck in my head. Probably because the 'young' dance crowd at Buffett kept playing this song and A (hubby) and I said that we had never heard it before but it would probably be like the most popular song ever. Now I can't get it out of my head... so now you have it in yours.. you are welcome
Love like Crazy.. omg.. this song is just adorable.. I love singing it.. and I heard it soo much on our trip that I have perfected the loud screaming/singing of it.. how adorable is it?? ;) my favorite lyric "never out smart your common sense.."
Love the way you lie.. oh my god..love this song. I haven't really liked Eminem since like high school but I love Rihanna and him both in this song.. and I may like it when he says "maybe thats what happens when a tornado meets a volcano" it may make me giggle.. and the rest of the song.. it resonates..
I blame this obsession on the Charlie St. Cloud movie.. I must have seen the preview like 82943 times and this song got to me and made me want to see the movie.. Kudos to you marketing people. Now if you'd only pay for my movie ticket I would be in the theater watching it and swooning over Zac Efron.. um is he jailbait?
Ahh one of the best summer song.. Love it.. and I almost went and saw them Wednesday night for our anniversary but hubby needed to work yesterday and getting home at 2 am or later on a work night was not very responsible.. booo.. come back on a weekend boys!!!
And I had to end with a Jimmy song.. This unfortunately was NOT taken by us because we were not so lucky to be close.. but I love FINS in concert it reminds me of O-H-I-O at Buckeye games.. love tradition. but this is from the concert we were at.. don't mind the drunken idiot/arse whose video I borrowed haha.. just look at FINS.. but i was dead center of Jimmy as well just like a football field away dead center on the lawn.. ;)
Happy Friday! What songs are in your head?
Oh.. and this really wasn't much like a dance party.. more like a sit on the deck and drink a cold one party!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Three Years as a Mrs!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Apprentice - Tess Gerritsen

3 years ago we had our wedding rehearsal... here we are with our wedding partyand mom's
Monday, August 16, 2010
Buffett --- Pittsburgh Style
This was my favorite concert of his. The tailgating was pretty tame. Alpine Valley has been by FAR my most favorite tailgating place for Buffett. But this concert was my favorite. It may have helped that I made sure I was coherent at showtime but regardless, he was awesome. He played so many of my favorites that I haven't heard in concert/or just didn't remember ever hearing live. He also played old favorites and as he always does Jimmy made me cry at least once. Yeah, I cry at Jimmy Buffett concerts. But I can't help it. Seriously, Jimmy Buffett once a year makes me happy. It's hard to describe it, but there are just sooo many songs with so many memories and so many songs that just 'take me back' as my other favorite musician Kenny Chesney likes to say. It is like my yearly church visit. Refreshing, comforting and a heck of a lot of fun.

my fellow female friend in the Buffett craziness. this year we only traveled with one other couple and usually it is her, me and 4-6 guys!
a view of the people tailgating down by us

the other side of people tailgating by us.. these people were very nice and shared their food and bathroom with us all day!

my hubby

a view down towards the bus lots and a view of our neighbors bathroom. it was a bucket with a lid and baggies inside (made for hunters) and then the shelter that zipped up there. it was wonderful. lots better than standing in loooong lines!
Honestly, you need to go see Jimmy Buffett at least once in your life. The tailgating is ridiculous and sooo sooo much fun! Oh and if you only know Margaritaville, Cheeseburger in Paradise or Fins, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to other stuff. Oh you want me to suggest some Buffett for you to try? Why CERTAINLY!
A Pirate Looks at Forty "Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call,
Wanted to sail upon your waters
since I was three feet tall.
You've seen it all, you've seen it all. "
Lovely Cruise "Drink it up
This ones for you
It's been a lovely cruise
I'm sorry it's ended
It's sad but it's true
Honey it's been a lovely cruise "
Changes in Latitude Changes in Attitude "It's those changes in latitudes,
changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same.
With all of our running and all of our cunning,
If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane. "
And I could go on.. but just know there is more out there worth discovering!
Oh, and the camping was okay, but nothing to see again, but much better than the time we spent the night in a tent behind a random bar in Wisconsin! ;)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Blog Fest 2010

How do I participate?
Want to sign up? Fill out this form.
Finally, promote this event and have fun with it! This will be my first time partcipating and I am excited!
The rules are quite limited.
1. Each blog must host a giveaway between 12:00 am EST on the 10th through 11:59 pm EST on the 12th. There are no stipulations as to the monetary value of this giveaway.
2. Each blog must post the links provided to them on the days of the event.
3. Your BlogFest post can remain as a single post over the multiple days, but make sure there is an easily visible link to it from the top of your blog. If people can't find your giveaway, they certainly can't enter it.
4. Giveaway rules are up to you.
5. We will have a webpage and database for visitors to use to help track their blog visits. While it is not mandatory that you direct your visitors there, it is a tool available to you.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
100 Top Thrillers
1. The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson - review
3. Kiss the Girls, by James Patterson
4. The Bourne Identity, by Robert Ludlum
5. In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote
6. The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown
7. The Shining, by Stephen King
8. And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie
9. The Hunt tor Red October, by Tom Clancy
10. The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - at least I think I read it in high school haha
11. Dracula, by Bram Stoker
12. The Stand, by Stephen King
13. The Bone Collector, by Jeffery Deaver
14. Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton
15. Angels & Demons, by Dan Brown - My favorite Patterson
16. A Time to Kill, by John Grisham
17. The Andromeda Strain, by Michael Crichton
18. Mystic River, by Dennis Lehane - LOOOOOVED this book. hated the movie.
19. The Day of the Jackal, by Frederick Forsyth
20. Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier
21. Eye of the Needle, by Ken Follett
22. It, by Stephen King
23. The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas
24. The Girl Who Played with Fire, by Stieg Larsson - review (I thought it was better than The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo)
25. Jaws, by Peter Benchley
26. The Alienist, by Caleb Carr
27. Red Dragon, by Thomas Harris
28. Presumed Innocent, by Scott Turow
29. The Maltese Falcon, by Dashiell Hammett
30. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, by Stieg Larsson - review
31. No Country For Old Men, by Cormac McCarthy
32. Gone Baby Gone, by Dennis Lehane
33. Gorky Park, by Martin Cruz Smith
34. Rosemary’s Baby, by Ira Levin
35. Subterranean, by James Rollins
36. Clear and Present Danger, by Tom Clancy
37. Salem’s Lot, by Stephen King
38. Shutter Island, by Dennis Lehane
39. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, by John Le Carre
40. The Poet, by Michael Connelly
41. The Boys from Brazil, by Ira Levin
42. Cape Fear, by John MacDonald
43. The Bride Collector, by Ted Dekker
44. Pet Sematary, by Stephen King
45. Dead Zone, by Stephen King
46. The Manchurian Candidate, by Richard Condon - Haven't read it but I watched the movie and did not like it!
47. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, by John Le Carre
48. The Talented Mr. Ripley, by Patricia Highsmith
49. Tell No One, by Harlan Coben – My first and favorite Coben and I’ve read them all.
50. Consent to Kill, by Vince Flynn
51. The 39 Steps, by John Buchan
52. Blowback, by Brad Thor
53. The Children of Men, by P.D. James
54. 61 Hours, by Lee Child
55. Marathon Man, by William Goldman
56. The Woman in White, by Wilkie Collins
57. 206 Bones, by Kathy Reichs
58. Psycho, by Robert Bloch
59. The Killing Floor, by Lee Child
60. Rules of Prey, by John Sandford
61. The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins - really want to read this!
62. In the Woods, by Tana French - I have heard lots of good things about this as well.. I will be getting it from the library as soon as I catch up!
63. Shogun, by James Clavell
64. The Relic, by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
65. Intensity, by Dean Koontz – This was is very intense
66. Casino Royale, by Ian Fleming
67. Metzger’s Dog, by Thomas Perry
68. Timeline, by Michael Crichton
69. Contact, by Carl Sagan
70. What the Dead Know, by Laura Lippman
71. The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
72. The Cabinet of Curiosities, by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
73. Charm School, by Nelson DeMille
74. Feed, by Mira Grant
75. Gone Tomorrow, by Lee Child
76. Darkly Dreaming Dexter, by Jeff Lindsay
77. The Secret History, by Donna Tartt
78. The First Deadly Sin, by Lawrence Sanders
79. Cryptonomicon, by Neal Stephenson
80. The Brotherhood of the Rose, by David Morrell
81. Primal Fear, by William Diehl
82. The Templar Legacy, by Steve Berry
82. The Hard Way, by Lee Child [tie]
84. The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper
85. Six Days of the Condor, by James Grady
86. Fail-Safe, by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler
87. Strangers on a Train, by Patricia Highsmith
88. The Eight, by Katherine Neville
89. The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown
90. Goldfinger, by Ian Fleming
91. Bangkok 8, by John Burdett
92. The Kill Artist, by Daniel Silva
93. Hardball, by Sara Paretsky
94. The Club Dumas, by Arturo Perez-Reverte
95. The Deep Blue Good-by, by John MacDonald
96. The Monkey’s Raincoat, by Robert Crais
96. Berlin Game, by Len Deighton [tie]
98. A Simple Plan, by Scott Smith
99. Child 44, by Tom Rob Smith
100. Heartsick, by Chelsea Cain
I am actually surprised that I hadn't read more on the list. But, it does give me a lovely list to go off of for new suggestions!!
What are your top 3 thriller books?
Mine would be The Girl Who Played With Fire, Mystic River, Pray for Silence..
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Teaser Tuesday - The One That I Want

Just do the following:
* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Surgeon - Tess Gerritsen

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Books on TV

this is from the trailer from Journey for Margaret
Also, the movie is filmed in black and white EXCEPT for the parts where they are in the garden. Those are in color. I really would be interested in seeing how they can transform the description of the gardens into reality in the film.
Do you enjoy watching old movies?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Forget You - Jennifer Echols
But, it wasn't. It sucked. Hardcore suckage. The premise of the book, is Zoey is a perfect darling girl who has rich parents and has everything. Except apparently a brain. She is on the swim team life is perfect until it spirals out of control when her controlling asshole father cheats on her mom, gets his 24 year old gf pregnant and then makes her mom move out of the house to an apartment. Her mom then goes crazy, tries to kill herself and is sent to 'insane asylum' where it is determined she is bi-polar. Her ass of a dad threatens Zoey to not mention a word of this.
This craziness pushes Zoey out of control and she decides it's a fabulous idea to have sex with Brandon, the extreme player who she has been giving girl advice to all summer. I am all about having random fun sex if you can handle it. BUT, if you do it and then think you are this stupid player's GIRLFRIEND??? You lose all credibility. This is about the time I REALLY couldn't handle reading it. But like I said, I requested to read this book because I thought it sounded interesting. HA.
So they hook up, she doesn't hear from him for OVER a week and yet calls herself his girlfriend. HELLO CRAZYCAKES. YOU HAD SEX WITH HIM. That was it. Stop calling him your boyfriend. Anyhooo... like any other player he finds someone else to have sex with.
Enter Doug. Doug is this 'baaad boy' who went to juvie in 9th grade and yada yada yada he is sooo bad. We can't talk to him cuz he is a baaaad boy. So Doug and Zoey never have liked each other apparently, stemming back to when he went to juvie and missed homecoming, after he had asked her to go with him. Whatever.
So, one nite (a week after the hook up with player) Zoey wakes up and she has been in a car crash. She has no idea how she got there, no memory of most of the nite leading up to it. She doesn't admit this to anyone. (HELLO STUPID YOU HAVE A CONCUSSION AND THOSE CAN BE DANGEROUS.) Her dad flips out on her because HE is going to Hawaii to get married to 24 year old ho and SHE BETTER NO RUIN THIS FOR HIM. SO, Zoey lies about having no memory because he threatens to lock HER up in a looney bin if she says she can't remember anything. The wierd thing? All Zoey remembers is waking up to Doug pulling her out and then Doug shows up to her house acting all wierd the morning after. ALmost, like HE is her boyfriend and NOT Brandon.
So this is where I completely stopped attempting to like it and just started rolling my eyes and thinking ofa ll the stupidness. 1) What parent leaves their child less than 24 hours after they have had a MAJOR CAR ACCIDENT AND EXPERIENCED PASSING OUT frequently? 2) What hospital lets someone leave the same night when they CANNOT remember and had a head injury? 3) What idiot doesn't just say to her friends, dude I can't remember what happened. ha ha.. Tell me about it. 4) Doug's character is completely unbelievable. NO one acts like that. 5) Zoey starts swearing and acting completely different AFTER HER HEAD INJURY. HELLO ANYONE????
Ok, this book had a lot of problems and one of the most irritating to me was overuse of using animals in similies or the fact that Zoey just wouldn't freaking ask someone what happened, or that Doug wouldn't tell her what happened and the fact that she called a guy she had sex with once her boyfriend. Ok so that was more than one.
This book was horrible and the only reason I finished it was because I requested it as an ARC through Star Book Tours. Obviously, I'm an honest reviewer. Please do not waste your time.
What was the last horrible book you read?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Loving Frank

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Swedish Meatballs & Veggie Salad!

So I threw all of those ingredients already shown and put it on the stove top on medium heat. The white glob? Sour cream. Next time I would probably use more sour cream (possibly a 1/2 cup.) I let it heat up.

And added salt and pepper. I would probably enjoy more pepper. I love pepper.

Here are the meatballs. I was lazy. So I totally warmed them up in the microwave. I like these soo much better than trying to make my own. My husband would totally make his own. But I really like the taste of these and they are just a random Meijer brand bag of frozen meatballs!

I had these egg noodles that I've wanted to eat for awhile so I thought these would go perfectly with the meatballs. I probably used about half the bag and it was enough with the meatballs for around 4-6-8 servings depending on how hungry you are.

Here are the veggies to cut up for the salad. Cuc and green pepper from my dad's garden, tomatoes from our garden and celery and carrots from the store.

Picture of the boiling water for the egg noodles.

Oh and then magically the egg noodles are done hahaha. I would say they took about the same amount of time or less than cooking spaghetti noodles. And I think they are yummier.

Here are the meatballs/sauce that I probably had on the stove together between 20-30 minutes on low. It just pretty much just sat there while I waited for the hubby to get home from work. But could be done in about 10 minutes cuz everything is warm already.

Here is the yummy veggie salad. I layered it with the different veggies and it was fab. I like just eating veggies without lettuce/spinach now and then.
Monday, August 2, 2010
August's Group Read is..

Description: Tilly Farmer is thirty-two years old and has the perfect life she always dreamed of: married to her high school sweetheart, working as a guidance coun...more Tilly Farmer is thirty-two years old and has the perfect life she always dreamed of: married to her high school sweetheart, working as a guidance counselor in her hometown, trying for a baby. Perfect.
In fact, on the surface you might never know how tough things used to be. At seventeen, Tilly lost her mother to cancer, her father drowned his grief in alcohol, and she played parent to her two younger sisters more often than being a kid herself. Still Tilly never let tragedy overtake her belief that hard work and good cheer could solve any problem. Of course she’s also spent a lifetime plastering a smile on her face and putting everyone else’s problems ahead of her own.
But that relentless happiness has served her well—her sisters are grown and content, her dad is ten years sober, and she’s helping her students achieve all their dreams while she and her husband, Tyler, start a family. A perfect life indeed.
Then one sweltering afternoon at the local fair, everything changes. Tilly wanders into the fortune teller’s tent and is greeted by an old childhood friend, now a psychic, who offers her more than just a reading. “I’m giving you the gift of clarity,” her friend says. “It’s what I always thought you needed.” And soon enough, Tilly starts seeing things: her father relapsing, staggering out of a bar with his car keys in hand; Tyler uprooting their happy, stable life, a packed U-Haul in their driveway; and even more disturbing, these visions start coming true. Suddenly Tilly’s perfect life, so meticulously mapped out, seems to be crumbling around her. And she’s not sure what’s more frightening: that she’s begun to see the future or what the future holds . . .
As Tilly furiously races to keep up with—and hopefully change—her destiny, she faces the question: Which is the life she wants? The one she’s carefully nursed for decades, or the one she never considered possible.