Sunday, August 29, 2010

September Group Read Suggestions

I am going to do something new this month with our group read. At the end of the month when I post the discussion questions I will use the comment section to randomly pick a person to win a free copy of the October Group Read! So those of you who participate in the reading and discussion of whatever we pick for September have the opportunity to win October's book free! Also, for anyone who writes a guest post for the September Read will also get another 2 additional entries. So, participating in the September Read can get you a free book!

Books we have already read include...
The One That I Want
The Secret Garden
House Rules
American Wife Kelly's Guest Post Lisa's Guest Post
Firefly Lane
The Reader
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Awakening
Pride & Prejudice
I See You Everywhere

I will also suggest we pick something that has been out for awhile because it seems it is harder for everyone to get newer books! Banned Books Week is in September, so maybe we would want to read a book that has been banned? ALA site about banned books week Children's books that are continually challenged and the banned books site!

I will leave suggestions up until early Wednesday morning and then I will post the poll up til Friday!


Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

What a great idea, I definitely want to read a banned or challenged book for this months pick. There are so many books that I read in high school that I am sure I would appreciate so much more now that I am older.

I will check back for suggestions and think about what I would like to read!

Kelly (She Wears a Red Sox Cap) said...

Great idea to read banned books this month :) I'm going to suggest The Color Purple, just cuz I've always wanted to read it. There are tons of great banned books out there though so I'm excited to hear other suggestions.

PS. I am going to win me a free book! haha

Lisa's Yarns said...

Great idea to pick a banned book! I vote for Catcher in the Rye. Pretty sure I read this years ago but I don't remember anythign about it so it warrants a re-read, I think!

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

As I lay dying - faulkner though i wouldn't mind re-reading catcher either and i want to read the color purple! ;)

Bethany Jayne said...

I actually was discussing Catcher & The Color Purple with two different people today. I've always loved the Catcher in the Rye, and was trying unsuccessfully to convince somebody at work to read it. I love the idea of reading a banned book. What about Angelou’s I know why the Caged Bird Sings?