How far along? 9 weeks
Weight gain/loss: down 3 pounds
Maternity clothes? no but the bloat as gone done a little but it will be nice to cover up my boobs better soon. i have been holding out on purchasing many new fall things because i don't know how long they will be worn!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? i keep wanting to take naps but when i try i can't.. but i sleep fine at night except for when i wake up and my legs want to do some dancing jigs but i usually end up back asleep again.
Best moment this week? One of my BFF's from college told me she is pregnant and we are due on the same day!!!!!!
Food cravings: slurpees
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss? I really could have gone for a beer while toasting to a great friend who will be greatly missed yesterday. ;(
What I'm looking forward to: My doctor's appointment which was supposed to be yesterday but I switched it to next week because of the funeral yesterday.
Milestones: Got baby's first present! My friend made small blanket for the car seat that has footballs on it and ribbons on the edges for Ohio State, Michigan State and U of M. ;)
You got all the midwest universities covered!
Hope everything goes well at the doctor's appointment!
Awww, I love that your best friend is due the SAME day as you. That's amazing. I truly, truly hope I can go through pregnancy with someone else :)
I got the book today! Thanks so much for sending it! I am going to start it as soon as I finish the other book I'm reading. I have to read more!
That's awesome that your friend is due the same day as you! Just think - next week you'll be in the double digits of your pregnancy - 10 weeks, wahoo!
Very cool that you are due the same day as your friend!
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