Friday, November 12, 2010

Self-Promotion among other things

IT IS FRIDAY!!!!!! Which really means little in my world of substitute teaching when I feel like it, but I am leaving for Columbus in less than an hour with my dad to enjoy a nice Big Ten football weekend.. OSU vs. PSU!!! Woo Woo!

First, the lovely Jess is featuring me over at her place, Taking it One Step at a Time for Follow Friday! So go check it out and learn more about me and check Jess's blog and the adorable pictures of her son!

And hello to you, if this is your first time stopping by!

Second, I think I am finally getting a baby bump. It's not sucking in. ;) It's still not pretty but it is something that is just not belly fat! I will definitely plan on picture taking for this Wednesday's update!

Third, (tried to spell that with a Fhird haha) I am reading You Don't Look like Anyone I Know by Heather Sellers and it is fabulous!!! I am hoping to finish it between the ride down to C-bus and down time this weekend!

Fourth, did I mention I am going to Columbus???? I am so pumped. OSU football, good tailgating, friends I only see during the fall and I get to go shopping!!! (for a cute little onesie for the baby that it's father may or may not kill me over, silly wolverine fan he is!)

Fifth, Fruit Smoothies are amazing. I have been making a ton lately and they are fab. Some concoctions I have had this week have been

-strawberry yogurt
-frozen raspberries
- banana
- ice
- tangerine juice (someone, ahem me, didn't read the label and got this instead of orange juice whoops)

and then yesterday I had the same recipe but added in pineapple!!! i had been adding in milk but was getting waaaay too much dairy in my diet and felt like poo so I eliminated the milk from the smoothie.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Any big plans? Reading anything good? Let me know!


Lisa's Yarns said...

I am reading "Wishin' and Hopin'" by Wally Lamb. It's a quick, easy read. Nothing earth shattering and not something I would recommend to people, really, but it's entertaining enough.

The Barrister is a big fan of smoothies. He makes them for me in the mornings sometimes and they are so good. He uses some sort of frozen fruit blend from target, banana, and pomegranate juice. So good!

Have fun this weekend! Lookign forward to seeing bump photos. I will say - I look forward to being prego some day because my stomach is my problem area, and when it starts to firm up, it will be the only time i am firm in that area. ;)

Amber said...

Have fun in Columbus! I love how psyched you are to go :)

Can't wait to see bump pictures!!!