How far along? 25 weeks
Weight gain/loss: today I weighed exactly the same as the day I found out i was pregnant.. I have no idea how this is possible because of the amount of food that I have been piling in this week.. I am CONSTANTLY hungry.
Maternity clothes? all pants that go out of the house and most shirts that go out of the house but i can still wear a few of my long sleeve shirts but they are creeping up.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? I woke up with vertigo on Monday so sleep has been slightly uncomfortable this week. I can only really comfortably sleep wedged on my left side with my head only tilted a little bit or the world really feels like it is spinning out of control. Though I have been less tired this week so that has been nice.
Best moment this week? I love watching her move my belly. It is hilarious.
Weight gain/loss: today I weighed exactly the same as the day I found out i was pregnant.. I have no idea how this is possible because of the amount of food that I have been piling in this week.. I am CONSTANTLY hungry.
Maternity clothes? all pants that go out of the house and most shirts that go out of the house but i can still wear a few of my long sleeve shirts but they are creeping up.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? I woke up with vertigo on Monday so sleep has been slightly uncomfortable this week. I can only really comfortably sleep wedged on my left side with my head only tilted a little bit or the world really feels like it is spinning out of control. Though I have been less tired this week so that has been nice.
Best moment this week? I love watching her move my belly. It is hilarious.
Food cravings: none really but my taste for super spicy food has returned so that has been awesome.. i have had cheesy chicken enchiladas w/spanish rice monday and then last night at my parents enchilada casserole in the crockpot with spanish rice.. yummm. today? Chili and grilled cheese!
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? Pretty much anytime I am sitting she is a wiggling!
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? Pretty much anytime I am sitting she is a wiggling!
What I miss? I kind of want to drink an entire bottle of wine and get super silly.
What I'm looking forward to: Working more on her room this weekend. We've got the built in's off the walls and the paint touched up so now we need to assemble the crib and glider!