Each chapter is a snippet of one of the girl's life at a certain time and then the next chapter is a snippet of the others around that same time period.
For two girls born on the same day in the same small town, they are quite different. Ruth is tall and skinny, an outcast in her family. Her mother and her sisters all seem to bond and get along but not with Ruth. No matter what she does her mother always makes her feel like an outsider or that her amazing art skills are just that amazing. Connie is quick to remind others of Ruth's sister's Snoopy drawing and how it was included in the paper before giving Ruth credit for her skill.
Dana has a complete helter skelter family life. She and her mother, father and brother move frequently and her dad is always hopeful is next idea will hit it big. Her mother Dana is an artist who buys every Barbie possible for Dana who only unwraps them when Ruth Plank comes to visit. At a very young age Dana realizes she likes other girls and that this isn't something other little girls find normal. She loves growing things and works hard to save money to put herself through college.
I will say that the 'problem' of the story was completely figured out by me by page 17 but it didn't make the journey of their tale any less interesting. I really enjoyed it and would read other books by this author.
Do you know someone who was born on the same day/same hospital as you?
I received this book from Crazy Book Tours and all thoughts and opinions are mine!