ahhh so cute! that would be her little arms up by her face rubbing her eyes! (just like daddy haha)

and my sweet precious girl with her cheeks!!! see the tufts of hair?? ahhh.. love her lips.. i think they look like mine when i was a babe!

How far along? 31 weeks
Weight gain/loss: up 7
Weight gain/loss: up 7
Maternity clothes? for the most part
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep? -is fabulous and i could take a nap right now
Best moment this week? Seeing our girl via ultrasound today! Definitely still a girl.. and she has the cutest cheeks ever! and little tufts of hair! ahhhh...
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep? -is fabulous and i could take a nap right now
Best moment this week? Seeing our girl via ultrasound today! Definitely still a girl.. and she has the cutest cheeks ever! and little tufts of hair! ahhhh...
Food cravings: anything sweet
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? all the time!
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? all the time!
What I miss? feeling like i had control of my eating habits haha
What I'm looking forward to: finishing up her room
What I'm looking forward to: finishing up her room
Milestones: starting appts every 2 weeks now!
Good news today! Passed the 3 hour, placenta has moved (woo!), baby girl is head down and she is gorgeous! Oh and I had a Shamrock Shake because we both did so well at our appointments today! ;)
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