6. Shanghai Girls – Lisa See (Feb. 18th)
7. The good daughters – Joyce Maynard (Feb. 24th)

We had a TON of snow at the beginning of the month. It was soo deep and soo heavy that I didn't even venture out until we had been plowed out and my husband did a quick shovel. This is taken from my basement door haha.

This picture is super dark but I love the shape of my belly in it. This was one of my 25 week photos.
Favorite Recipes
Homemade Mac & Cheese with Eckrich Sausage
Sweet Potato Fries
This month in the kitchen I definitely was the 'semi-homemade' cook, which is why I didn't have nearly as many recipes. I used a lot of frozen sides/main dishes and did a lot of veggies/salads and fruit on the sides. For example, last night we had Gortons Fish Tenders, pineapple, a salad and my husband had leftover baked beans and cottage cheese and I had leftover cheesy rice from another meal. Another new fan favorite? Using Tyson Anytizer Boneless Buffalo Wings and throwing it into a salad we make... Yummmmm. I think the fact that my sciatica flares up when I stand too long in the kitchen has been thwarting my cooking endeavors. Or the fact that not many things 'sound' good when I am planning dinner.
And a grocery shopping/meal planning update
I know at the beginning of the year I talked about how I wanted to meal plan and grocery shop accordingly not to waste food. Well, I had already been cutting coupons and worked that into the mix. I have since given up full out meal planning and instead am basing purchases off of my coupons/store sales. I have started going shopping once a week and am STILL saving more money than I was before. We always have food in the house and yes the pantry is sort of overflowing with canned soup (which is an easy to grab lunch for my husband) and I have a stock up on toilet paper/lotion but, this will help me this summer with the baby. I am really enjoying it, even if it does take me most of my Sunday to read the paper, cut the coupons, look over couponing blogs/store ads and make my list. Well worth it, and it gets us out of food ruts by constantly trying new things/cheap things.
What were your favorite parts of February?