Thursday, February 23, 2012

I think I can... I think I can...

So, remember when I wrote a post about how I was going to work out every day in February and not go to McDonalds until Valentine's Day when I would have a Shamrock Shake?

Yeah, big fail.  Fail, fail fail...

But, last Thursday, I made a new plan and I got back on the treadmill.

Thursday - 1.5 miles run/walk on the treadmill, 10 sit ups and 4 pushups

I did a 2 minute walk warm-up and then went 2 minutes at 5.5, 1 minute walk at 3.5 and then did 2 minutes a 5.3, 1 minute walk.. and did that going down to 4.5 and then back up until I finished.  I didn't always do 2 minutes of running, sometimes it was a 1 minute, sometimes it was a minute and a half.  But I did it.  In 21:58.

Friday - 15 minute walk on treadmill, 15 sit ups and 5 pushups

I took it nice and easy and just did a nice walk with no inclines and read while I walked.

Saturday - Rest

Sunday - Rest

Monday - 30 minute walk on treadmill, 20 sit ups and 6 pushups

I did mix this one up with different inclines but I mainly took it easy and read my book!

Tuesday - Rest

Wednesday - 1.75 miles run/walk on the treadmill, 25 sit ups and 7 pushups

I was soooooo tired and didn't want to do it, but made myself.  I bought a bathing suit on Saturday that I am wearing in Florida in a month and by golly I want to feel comfortable in it! So, I started out at a slow walk warm up (3.2) and read my book and then moved up to 3.5 for a 5 minute warm up.  Then I ran a 4.5 for 2 minutes,  walk 1 minute at 3.5, run a 4.7 for 2 minutes, walk a 3.5 for 1 minute, run 4.9 for 2 minutes, walk one minute at 3.5, run 1 minute 45 seconds at 5.1, walk 1 minute a 3.5, run 1 minute 45 seconds at 5.3, walk 1 minute at 3.5, run 1 minute and 45 seconds at 5.5 and 1 minute walk at 3.5.  Then I ran at 5.5 o finish out my 1.75 miles!  I did it in 25:10.

I want to work on more running and less walking but I always underjudge or overjudge my stamina and usually end up with side pains. 


And I will keep doing it.  I have to do it.

Oh, and I lost one pound in the last week.   Woot woot.

How do you do your run/walk intervals?

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