Monday, May 7, 2012

What Isla is Reading...

One of the things I was looking forward to the most when I was pregnant, was sharing books with my baby.  We've read books since the very beginning but just recently she has begun to carry books over to me or pretend to read them herself.  It is so stinkin' cute.  She even has a few favorites that are driving me a tad crazy since I read them about 5 times a day.  Luckily, we have a ton of books so I can trade them out frequently.

Here are her current favorites...

The Alphabet Book by P.D. Eastman - I like this book because there are many ways you can read it, if you are on multiple re-reads per day.  You can point to the pictures as you say them, you can just say the letters of the alphabet, you can just read, you can talk about colors, you can talk about letter sounds.. yeah I nerd out about simple reading with my 11 month old!

Animals - (sorry, it is currently in the bedroom with the sleeping child but its a bunch of pictures of animals with the names written next to them and a blue cover with a rabbit on it haha) - This book annoys me the most, but that's cuz I hate books that don't really have a story.  But we point to the animals and we make (very bad) animal noises.  She cracks up when her dad makes the sound for snakes.  But not her mom.  I apparently am NOT funny.

Go, Dog, Go by P.D. Eastman - I love this book too.  Isla likes to kick her feet when I say, GO, DOG,GO! Once again, you can just read it, you can point and talk about the pictures, you can count things.  Good book.

Alice in Wonderland by Jennifer Adams - I loooove this one.  It has beautiful colors, simple words and perfect for an 11 month old attention span.  We point out the objects that the words talk about, we point to other colors, we count objects.. Good times! The awesome pictures make up for the fact that there isn't a story. ;P

I am currently trying to get her more interested in MY favorites. ;)  Goodnight Moon, Hop on Pop and Guess How Much I Love You.

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