Friday, November 9, 2012

Gone Girl - Discussion 1

Hola! Wow, so this book is creepy.  And um who is telling the truth??? And why lie? How much hate can you have for a person? So many questions and just wow.  This book is giving me anxiety over how crappy everyone is!

These questions are based on the first part of the book!

1.  Consider Amy and Nick Dunne as characters. Do you find them first? Talk about the ways each reveals him/herself over the course of the novel. At what point do your sympathies begin to change (if they do)?

To be honest, I never liked Amy.  From the beginning she seemed dumb or needy or just ridiculous and I kind of related to Nick.  However, the further into the book I got, the more fucked I think they both were hahaha.  About the time Nick admitted to his affair is about the time more of his asshole ways started coming out. Oh and when the lawyer told him to end things with Andi, and he did it easily.

2. Nick insists from the beginning he had nothing to do with Amy's disappearance. Did you believe him, initially? When did you begin to suspect that he might have something to do with it?

I believed him.  As soon as he mentioned his wife's favorite vase leaning agains the wall instead of smashed I thought she set him up.  And her diary entries seemed to be all lies.  Only when he started seeing her all bloody did I doubt, but I honestly didn't think he did.  I feel like she screwed him over big time.

3. On their fifth anniversary, Nick wonders, "What have we done to each other? What will we do?" Is that the kind of question that might present itself in any marriage? Yours? In other words, does this novel make you wonder about your own relationship? And can you ever truly know the other person?

4. Amy and Nick lie. When did you begin to suspect that the two were lying to one another...and to you, the reader? Why do they lie...what do they gain by it?

5. Do you find the Gillian Flynn's technique of alternating first-person narrations compelling...or irritating. Would you have preferred a single, straightforward narrator? What does the author gain by using two different voices?

I liked the back and forth.  I will admit that it got me a little to anxious because I was getting so ANGRY with Amy for lying in her diary about Nick.  I apparently decided to take Nick's side ha.

Thanks for participating! The last discussion will be on November 23rd!

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