Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Library Haul

I'm very proud of us.  We've made it to the library almost every single week this summer minus the beginning of summer when we were a tad busy.  Each week we've colored, played trains and played with the other toys our library has out.  And each time, my little sweetheart gets to pick out books. 

Now as a big believer in let the children read what they want to read because it encourages them to like reading, it has pained me a few times with the god awful commercialized crap that gets picked out.  But, I can't really complain because most of my picks for the child have been based on covers this summer as I run by the stacks as she's grabbing books left and right.  Sometimes we learn of new favorites.  Sometimes I grin and bear it and sometimes we surprise each other.  Books and reading are two things I couldn't wait to share with a child and this summer has been so much fun.

My mother never told me I couldn't read something and I have the same attitude towards my three year old.  Read and learn.  Read and discuss.  Don't hide things and don't discriminate even when you think things are god awful.  I'm looking at my husband on the subject of vegetables! ;) I want to foster a love of reading and a thirst for knowledge and an acceptance of all people regardless of their life choices.  I think we're doing a good job so far.

And listening to my child "read" to me? PRICELESS.  Listening to my child 'retell' a story? PRICELESS.   Listening to my child name off almost every single letter of the alphabet capital and lowercase? PRICELESS.  Listening to my child recognize almost every single color? PRICELESS.  Listening to my child SPELL her name? PRICELESS.

That paragraph is me just basically boasting about my child because I'm just in such awe at what she picks up and what she knows.  Thank you books.  Thank you reading.  Thank you library.  I never say no to books. ;)

Thoughts so far -
Dora, still cringe worthy but has taught some new vocab words in two different languages and the child loves it
The Beach book looks cool, it's written in postcard form but may be too old for most 3 year olds attention span
Doggie in the Window - ADORABLE.  Lisa, must get this book.  It has a monsieur and a mademoiselle.  A cute story.
Elephant & Piggie - We've basically checked out all the library has to offer on this subject!
Lionel book - Pretty cute.  We read it before nap time.
Not so bad of picks this time!

I finally got this book that I had on hold which happens to be our group read of the month!

What have you recently picked up from the library? Are you reading with us in August? Who have you shared a book recommendation with lately? What is a passion you hope to pass on to others?

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