Friday, July 13, 2018


We have been having such a good summer! The days are flying by and we are doing so many things and I feel like there are so many more we could do and I will be bummed about NOT doing in the fall but there is only so much time!

The high of my week was when swimming with Isla in the pool this week she showed off her improved skills! She has been apprehensive about keeping her face under water for longer periods of time and when using strokes.  She improved by about 4 seconds earlier in the week and by yesterday she was under water for almost a full 20 seconds!!! I am so proud of her and the bravery she is using to improve her swimming.  She is so not a risk taker!! Though she claims to be haha.  We have spent a LOT of time in the water the last few weeks and we started summer with a week of swimming lessons so I'm thinking of adding on another week next month!

the child's new door sign!!! hahaha

The low of my week was the scratchy throat I woke up with.  Allergies? Wtf? It's July.  I thought I had escaped this year.

The book I am reading is The 17th Suspect by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro.  It's part of the Women's Murder Club series.  I've read some really good books recently including The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye by David Lagercrantz part of the Millennium series started by Stieg Larrson, Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes (AMAZING juvenile fiction about a young black boy who is shot in the back by a white police officer -- HIGHLY RECOMMEND), Commonwealth by Ann Patchett, An American Marriage by Tayari Jones, We're Going to Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union and The Abosolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie.  

a little pool side reading...

A Recipe I made was garlic and onion zoodles! We have are first zucchinis of the summer from the garden.  I used Iowa Girl Eat's advice and used my Vegetti spiralizer on the thick side and then cut up the spirals.  I put salt on it and threw it the fridge for about 30 minutes and then absorbed water with paper towels.  Then in a pan I melted butter and sauted onions.  After that I threw the zoodles in and added some garlic powder.  I cooked it for a few minutes until warm.  So good! I had it with spaghetti sauce and meatballs once night and then the next night with beef and broccoli.  I won over the child and the husband admitted it was 'okay.'  yum!

The best money I spent was mmm.. I think the only money I spent was on groceries and then i threw in a dollar when my mom took us to lunch.. soo the good lunch shared with my mom and kiddo!

enjoying our free slurpees on 7-11!

My plans this weekend include going down state to a family wedding.  Besides that, who knows!

What are you reading? What was the high of your life?

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