Friday, November 4, 2022


 And just like that we are in November.  Holy cow. Time to start prepping for Christmas gifts so I don't have to be searching at the last moment and maybe wrap other peoples early this year.  I also need to change out my two Halloween specific decorations and bring out my one Thanksgiving sign.

Photos from the week: 

Heading out to trick or treat

One of the houses we saw decorated

New glasses!

Current Read!

Beautiful November weather to read outside! Barefoot!

The high of my week was : taking the oldest trick or treating with her friends, watching her in her first choir concert of the year, and the gorgeous weather getting us outside more than we would!

The low of my week was  nothing that I can think of.

Meal plan for the week was  
Monday -  frozen pizza and salad before trick or treating
Tuesday -  Homemade Crunchy Taco Hamburger Helper via Iowa Girl Eats one of our fam faves.. I added a red pepper to it this time and we also had queso/chips, salad and fruit on the side.
Wednesday -  We went out for Steak Sandwiches at a diner that is a local hot spot.  We've been talking them up for the last two years as we made homemade ones at home so the oldest has been beginning to try the real deal, and we were going to be nearby the diner (it's 30ish minutes away) to pick up her new glasses.
Thursday - Chicken Fajitas, queso/chips, raspberries
Friday -  chili dogs, fruit, veggies/dip

The best money I spent was on BIG GIRL underwear to try to keep convincing the youngest that using the toilet is the way to be.  

What I’m listening to  Counter Clock, Crime Junkie, The Mom Hour, Culpable...

What I’m watching Winter House

What I’m reading:  The House Across the Street by Riley Sager

My plans for the weekend watching football, clearing up leaves and putting away the rest of the pool floats that need to be cleaned off.

What are you watching/reading/listening to?

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